Omaha, NE
bellies n' babies

{Emma Grace}

On one of my previous posts, I announced the arrival of my new baby niece, Emma Grace, who was born on August 15th. Scott and I finally got to meet the little sweetie pie last weekend when we made a trip out to Oregon to visit my sister and her husband. It was so much fun to experience how much joy a little one can bring to everyone around. The smallest expressions brought a smile to my face every time, and it was the best feeling having her snuggle up with you and fall asleep in your arms. Emma definitely loves being right up close to people at all times, so I didn’t get to do all the “creative” shots I wanted to try, but I still captured her sweetness as she experienced the world around her. Welcome Emma Grace! I can’t wait to see her grow up into a beautiful little girl over the years.


{caleb b}

This evening I photographed Caleb, who is now 6 months old. He is my adorable little nephew and also the first newborn I’ve ever photographed! (see very first blog). Capturing him now at 6 months makes me realize how fast the time goes and how these little ones are no longer, well, little! Soon enough he’ll be walkin’ and talkin’! I’m so excited to see what his personality becomes over the years. One thing is for sure… he better get used to having a camera around! 😉 Here’s a sneak peek from today’s shoot.


{baby hayden }

Today I had the pleasure of photographing one of my favorite subjects ~ babies! Happy 3 months to baby Hayden who is quite the cutie with adorable hair! I always enjoy how the faces of little ones can go from curiosity to pure joy in an instant, so you never know what you’re going to capture – you just know that no matter what, it’s always going to be precious- it’s a baby! 😉 This little guy had so many great expressions, I had too much fun capturing them all. Here’s a peek at some moments from today.


{so sweet}

I absolutely love photographing newborns, and today I had the pleasure of getting to know Alicia, Jason, and their oh-so-sweet little girl, Ella. She did an amazing job being just a month old as she stayed awake almost the whole time and barely fussed at all. I had a great time with this adorable family and hope I captured this new time in their life just right so they can look back on it for years to come!


{anticipating their first arrival}

Gina & Mike had their first baby at the start of the New Year in 2010. A month or so before the due date, Gina wanted a few moments captured, and since they did not know the sex of the baby, I decided to get a little creative. Their dog Cloe even wanted in on all the excitement! They are such an adorable family, and I can’t wait to meet the newest member,  Lucille Elizabeth.


{Welcome Caleb Matthew Bockelman}

This adorable little boy is my nephew, Caleb. He was born on December 7, 2009, and I had the privilege of taking his first photographs! His expressions were priceless, even when he was asleep (which was a majority of the time!)
